Blog Archives

Xtext vs. MPS: Decision Criteria

tl;dr If we started a new domain-specific language tomorrow, we could choose between different language workbenches or, more general, textual vs. structural / projectional systems. We should decide case-by-case, guided by the criteria targeted user group, tool environment, language properties, input type, environment, model-to-model and model-to-text transformations, extensibility, theory, model evolution, language test support, and […]

MPS’ Quest of the Holy GraalVM of Interpreters

A vision how to combine MPS and GraalVM

High-Performance Interpreters for JetBrains MPS

tl;dr An interpreter framework prototype based on GraalVM / Truffle shows two orders of magnitude better performance than the previous implementation. Vote for Java Annotation Processor support in MPS to help this effort. Overview At the great MPS Meetup last week in Munich I had a chance to give a talk on the MPS Interpreter […]